Wednesday, September 08, 2010

it's that time of the year, again

Heyya, folks! By the time you read this, I may be well on my way to Kedah. Raya for my family is always in Kedah, where all the families, near and far will come together to celebrate this joyous occasion. It's always filled with laughter and fond memories. Eid, for our family, is a family occasion. I will enjoy every single moment of it this year. And I sure hope you will, too.

Here's wishing you a very blessed Aidilfitri.

Credit to: Cepotet
Her drawings never fail to make me smile.

For those of you who's going back to your hometown, have a safe journey home.

To my friends, hopefully we'll see each other before Raya ends.

Selamat Hari Raya, everyone! If I've ever wronged you in any ways, I humbly apologize. Maaf zahir dan batin.


  1. Iya!
    Salam Lebaran to U too Ummi!

    Enjoy your raya day at Kedah k!

    psst: Bila la I dapat beraya umah U kan? Lama sudah tidak pergi.. =p

  2. Selamat hari raya!!!! Sorry tak komen kat gambar Facebook tu. Ramai sangat. I need to be special hahah.

  3. Ila: Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri to you and Mr. and your family as well.

    Wani: Ahah. Selamat Hari Raya to you too my dear friend. Maybe one of these days I'll be Raya-ing at your house.


Words could heal... or it could hurt or maybe, it won't bring any difference. Either way, just type away!