I just love love love Twitter. Really, I do. That is why you are seeing less and less of me around nowadays. I run out of things to say here because I rant too much on Twitter. Oh, how I can rant on Twitter! Kenapa, tak percaya? Just check with this guy, or my cousin. They can verify that I rant almost daily on Twitter. I even rage on Twitter. Seriously. And when I rage, my words can be really err... fancy? Or colorful? Err...

I love Twitter mostly because I could just say whatever that pops into my head at anytime. When I'm sad, happy or pissed off, I could just share it with Twitter. And most of the times, I will get instant reply or comments. How awesome is that?
And then there is this thing I call Twitter-rage where I just let my anger spilled. Where I just curse and curse and curse. There are some things I won't say here and on Facebook but I will say it in Twitter. Why? Simply because there are still lots of people are Twitter-blind. So I can rant and curse for all I like... for now. I have free rein as to what I say on my Twitter. And I can be as wacky as I want. And I can surely maki ikut suka hati aku towards certain person. Don't tell anyone, okay?
Hey, if you have Twitter, give me a holler. Kalau setakat register akaun fake semata-mata nak follow aku so that you can know what I say and then spread it to other people, you can go to hell. Find a life. If you can.
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Words could heal... or it could hurt or maybe, it won't bring any difference. Either way, just type away!